Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering is a branch of science that applies physical sciences and life sciences together with applied mathematics and economics to produce, transform, and all transport, properly use chemicals, materials & energy.
They also construct the synthetic fibers that make our clothes more comfortable and water resistant; they develop methods to mass-produce drugs, making them more affordable; and they create safer, more efficient methods of refining petroleum products, making energy and chemical sources more productive and cost effective.
Chemical engineers have been improving our well-being for more than a century. From the development of smaller, faster computer chips to innovations in recycling, treating disease, cleaning water, and generating energy, the processes and products that chemical engineers have helped create touch every aspect of our lives.
Specifically, chemical engineers improve food processing techniques, and methods of producing fertilizers, to increase the quantity and quality of available food.
Chemical engineering involves managing plant processes and conditions to ensure optimal plant operation. Chemical reaction engineers construct models for reactor analysis and design using laboratory data performance.
Chemical Engineers Are Generating Energy
Chemical engineers are well-suited to meet the challenges associated with all types of energy production. They have long contributed to the development of such traditional, nonrenewable fossil-fuel sources as coal, petroleum, and natural gas and propane. More recently their efforts have been concentrated on renewable fuels derived from Biomass feedstocks, Solar power and Wind.
Chemical Engineers Are Developing Electronics
All the extraordinary electronic gadgets and devices that abound in our modern life owe their existence to the semiconductor chip. Providing a source of cheap, fast computing power, these chips are found in everything from children’s toys to phones, automobiles, medical sensors, and communications satellites.
Chemical engineers contributed to the invention of semiconductor chips. These versatile scientists are vital in the ongoing development of advanced materials and the manufacturing processes required to produce them.